Begin your journey of metamorphosis…
Are you ready to transform
into a new version of yourself who truly lives wealthy ?

Learn how to live a life you’ve designed instead of feeling like your life is just happening to you. You can transform that burn out, anxiety, and overwhelm into freedom!

How does one become a butterfly? You have to want to learn how to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar”.
~Trina Paulus
You need this journey if:

This process may cause you to experience impromptu joy, satisfaction, and peace during your day and invest in yourself – like going on an adventurous vacation, buying your dream home, taking sabbatical, or launching a project with a high return in just a few months.
Now here’s what you want:
I’m not going to just send you a link to watch a bunch of videos, I’m literally going to take your hand, hold you in a safe container, and energetically stay by your side for this full journey.

In ancient Greek and many civilizations, the word for butterfly is “psyche” meaning “soul”. The butterfly’s metamorphosis process from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to winged creature is recognized as a process of shedding oneself and then re-birthing and emerging in a new form. To support the evolving leader within you, this three-part consecutive group workshop series guides you through a deeply transformational and nourishing process. The series can be completed in one year or you can pace it out over a few years. You are offered a safe space to ultimately shed the muck and guck and then spread your wings and emerge – allowing for your full manifestation. It’s time to fly beyond all the burn out, all those upper limits, and into the life you’ve dreamed of. It’s time to reclaim your freedom, your power, and your worthiness.
Are you so hungry for growth that you’re willing to slow down and look within for what’s essential for your full metamorphosis?
Are you willing to let go and surrender your ego so you can activate the power and magic of transformation?
This is a High-Touch, High-Humor, High-Five, and High-Vibe Journey!
Literally EVERYTHING has changed – how I feel, how I think, and my body.
Jennifer offers compassionate but tough coaching that brings out your truth. That’s the thing that will set you free to reach your potential. It’s why I’ve enrolled my sister and my business partner to do this work too.”
~ Tyler Lowe, Cofounder & CEO Return on Ideas, USA

So Jennifer…
what exactly IS Living Wealthy and the Butterfly Ceremonies Series?
Living Wealthy is about stepping onto a path where you can feel a deep sense of intimacy, satisfaction, and peace. It’s about your inner sense of freedom and how that is expressed in your financial life. You CAN experience spaciousness, possibility, grow wealth, and have grand adventures – your NEW normal can become FUN and JOYFUL.
“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”
~ Aristotle

is about stepping onto a path where you can feel a deep sense of intimacy, satisfaction, and peace. It’s about your inner sense of freedom and how that is expressed in your financial life. You CAN experience spaciousness, possibility, grow wealth, and have grand adventures – your NEW normal can become FUN and JOYFUL.
Embark on the most profound process of self-examination you have ever taken!
Through the rigorous methodology of the three-part Butterfly Ceremonies™ series I have carefully and systematically honed a process that will help you start from wherever you are, to being able to:

- Clarify and shift unwholesome burn out, energy leaks, blind spots, traumas, stories, and patterns to one of grace, peace and empowerment.
- Understand and regulate your emotions and needs to create healthy money patterns, relationships, and physical health.
- Take deep ownership and clean up ‘your side of the street’, so you experience the magnificence of emotional freedom.
- Learn practices of self-empathy, radical forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-acknowledgement, deep receiving, radical reciprocity, and healthy boundaries all in the name of making yourself matter.
- Repair and cultivate a deep well of courage, self-trust, and confidence, so you can easefully rewire your life, business, finances and happiness.
- Healthfully attach to the true desires of your heart (not the money grubbing materialistic unsatisfying commercialized version of what you’ve grown up believing is what will make you happy).
- Develop a prosperous wealth action plan and receive accountability in actioning it with a powerful and motivating vision of clear intentionality.
- Work with nature’s cycles to support your attunement to healthy financial decision-making.
- Use the power of feng-shui to clear clutter, optimize your environment, eliminate distractions and create a clear vision.
- Experience deep intimacy with yourself and in your relationships, magnetizing opportunities and people to you beyond what you previously thought possible.
Begin your journey of metamorphosis…
Jennifer Love offers entrepreneurs valuable insights.”

Marcus Lemonis
CNBC’s the Profit, Host Chairman & CEO Good Sam and Camping World, Lemon-AID Foundation
“Jennifer gets to the core of your soul unlike anybody else and she creates a safe space to go there. If you really want to do the work, she’s for you because she’s the whole entirety of life.”
~ Kim Davey, Entrepreneur & Real Estate Investor, New Zealand
“I was burnt out and knew there was more. It has been the most profound year of growth of my life. There’s no way I could have gone to that depth without Jennifer guiding me and holding space for me on this journey.”
~ Tara Hovey, Artist & Real Estate Developer, USA
During this process I learned so much about myself — who I am — why I am. I was encouraged to get curious, unpack and take action. I was able to begin healing my relationship with my father that had been strained for over a decade.
Of course, I am still a work in progress, but the clarity I’ve gained is invaluable. To say that this process was transformational is an understatement
…literally life changing
~ Kaona McGowan, Just Call Me K
Begin your journey of metamorphosis…
Listen…A lot of folks can talk to you about the do’s and don’ts
…of balance sheets, profit first, 401ks, pricing, investing, saving, spending, debt, incorporating, taxes this and taxes that, capital gains, dividends, acquisitions, assets, gross margins, accounting, index funds and insurance, the law of supply and demand, operational costs, quotas, rates of return, net worth and Nasdaq, crypto currency, bitcoin, block chain, securities and insider trading, bonds, variability, venture capital, yield on cost, zig-zag indicators and zero-based budgeting… …YET, that is not going to get you anywhere if what is emotionally running you on the inside is all jumbled up.
How do I know?
Let me share the science.
90% of our financial decisions are made based on our emotions. (Yup, you read that correctly)
Only 10% of our financial decisions are made based on our logic and analysis.
That means that while strategy is important it’s not the problem! Honestly, that’s the easy part. So THE SINGLE most important thing you can do is this work of getting to know yourself and course-correcting where needed.
Living Wealthy is a decision, a discipline, and a devotional daily practice of manifestation. You will have a supportive community cheering you on the entire way.
I steward what I call an inner garden space, where I guide you through a deeply transformational and nourishing process that helps you live wealthy from the inside out. I weave nature’s principles through a garden metaphor backed by science and human behavior in my teachings and conversations about wealth and emotional liberty. This is a safe space where all the parts of you are welcome so you can ultimately shed the muck and guck…
To let go.
To cocoon and go inward.
To discover and express your truth.
To find complete acceptance.
To be nourished with love, to be listened to, to be seen, and to be understood so that ultimately you learn how to get your needs met.
To then spread your wings and emerge – allowing for your full manifestation. Because now it’s time to fly beyond all the burn out, all those upper limits, and into the life you’ve dreamed of.

“In three days you’ve changed my life. I will never be the same.”
(Dr. Mitchell gained the confidence to land the largest deal of her career during our workshop)
Performance Psychologist + Founder of the Pave Group, USA

“Your toolbox of questions, exercises, and techniques is on par with Mary Poppins’ carpet bag: you have a go-to for anything. This has been a life changing experience.”
Marketing Consultant + CEO of Boost Marketing Services, Australia
How the

The Butterfly Ceremonies™ series combines ancient philosophies, natural principles, psychology, and economics along with modern trauma integration and science to offer you the most comprehensive and powerful process to unlock your inner freedom and financial potential.
In this program, you’ll be given the safe supportive space and sensitivity to be vulnerable to feel what’s really going on within you. Yes! You can transform that burn out and overwhelm into freedom!
Each level has a unique core structure, process, and teachings to systematically transform and evolve every area of your life and become your most free, fully alive, and financially empowered self.
You’ll be welcomed, loved, and deeply supported no matter where you are starting from.
This is a unique space to feel all your feelings and show up EXACTLY as you are.
Week by week, month by month, and with each level, you’ll be amazed by your transformation into living wealthy from the inside out.
Here is a sneak peek into what’s covered in each level:

Now that you’re entered the inner garden space, are you willing to become a hungry caterpillar? Gathering and naming who you’ve been, what’s within you that’s holding you back personally… professionally… financially…and in ways you can not yet see is essential at this level. You will go through a reflection process that requires you to slow down, look within, and be vulnerable.
These are the themes we will be covering during Level 01: Caterpillar:
- Deep Introspection
- Discover Blind Spots
- Overcome Burn Out
- Embrace Emotionality
- Money Patterns
- I Matter Practices
- Self-Empathy Practices
- 3-Headed Drama Llama Cycle (victim – hero – bully)
- Flourish + Prosperity Tune-Up
- Perfectionism Syndrome
- Happiness Thermostat
- Heart Chakra Rituals
You will walk across a symbolic threshold in a systematic process that will assist you in identifying what you need for your full metamorphosis. This three-month experience of deep inner work is a primer that helps you to step into the safety of your transformational cocoon and prepare you for Level 02: Chrysalis.

These are the themes we will be
covering during Level 02: Chrysalis:
- Self-Value
- Clear Receiving Blocks
- Clear Doubt
- Tame the Inner Critic
- Clear Indecision
- Overcome Self-Judgment
- Dissolve Shame
- Clear Profit Blocks
- Radical Forgiveness Practice
- Self-Acceptance Practice
- Throat Chakra Rituals
These are the themes we will be
covering during Level 02: Chrysalis:
- Self-Value
- Clear Receiving Blocks
- Clear Doubt
- Tame the Inner Critic
- Clear Indecision
- Overcome Self-Judgment
- Dissolve Shame
- Clear Profit Blocks
- Radical Forgiveness Practice
- Self-Acceptance Practice
- Throat Chakra Rituals

Now that you’re lighter having emptied yourself out, will you allow ‘the new you’ to expand and fully receive? Emerging from a cocoon often comes with some discomfort as you learn to allow all that’s required to strengthen and flap your wings to emotional and financial freedom. You will go through a discovery process as you emerge.
This is a rule-breaking approach to manifesting, so if you like things to be mundane, usual and kinda dull, this may not be for you.
These are the themes we will be covering during Level 03: Butterfly:
- Align Vision + Purpose + Values
- Wealth Action-Plan
- Financial Decision-Making
- DOing vs BEing
- Deepen Self-Worth
- Personal Mastery
- Power of Making Requests
- Self-Acknowledgement Practice
- Activate Play Genes
- Clear Clutter
- Optimize Your Environment
- Eliminate Distractions
- The Art of Receiving
- Tap Your Creativity Center
- Financial Prosperity
- Radical Reciprocity Practice
- Nature Practices
- Eliminate Energy Leaks
- Healthy Boundaries
- Manifestation
- Crown Chakra Rituals
Through a systematic indoctrination process you will be supported through what’s required to action a powerful and motivating vision of clear intentionality. You will finish this four-month journey with a ceremony of celebration as you continue to take flight to great heights.
“I wanted to start the day thanking you for your love and guidance. I hope you don’t mind that I gush all over you from time to time. But I seriously am so grateful for being a part of this community you have created with your intention. Thank you for seeing me, really seeing me, and reflecting that back with gentle force. Thank you for shifting how I am seeing a “problem” and living into a new way of being. It’s so not easy and yet so so essential for me and I believe, for everyone. Your way of leadership is healing for me.”
Your way of leadership is healing for me.”

“Every aspect of my life has changed for the better
…my work, my marriage, my relationship with my family and close friends, but most of all my inner contentment, happiness and recognised self value. I know I matter, and to take action in the world from that place each day has truly changed my life. The Butterfly Ceremonies have been an essential part of this journey. I am forever grateful to Jennifer for shining the light on this path. I would follow her willingly to the centre of the earth or to the furtherest known star. She is simply the best and there is not one person I have met in her orbit that does not reflect the benefit of the gifts that she shares.”
~ Lisa Barker, Executive Director + Entrepreneur + Dancing Engineer, Australia
Begin your journey of metamorphosis…

More about me,
Jennifer Love.
I’m a career entrepreneur
…and have founded/co-founded five companies in various industries (including a wholesale chocolate company). My present focus (and my calling) is on my portfolio of companies housed within the umbrella of the Living Wealthy Institute.
I felt like I was born to achieve
…yet for a portion of my career I found that burnout was the primary reward I received – even though I had lots of real estate investments, money in the bank, and recognition through the press and many awards.
As a resilient survivor of workaholism
(drinking 2-pots of coffee/day not sleeping 2 nights a week), sexual abuse, parental abandonment (went from having money to no money), bulimia, PTSD, and anxiety… I intimately learned the powerful transformative practices necessary to be taught in an emotional regulating, self-loving, playful, trauma-informed, and deeply compassionate way. I became my own best friend.
Through my own personal transformation
…I’ve become deeply passionate about supporting leaders in their relationship with wealth and freedom. Metamorphosis and the patterns of nature inform my methodology – and yes, I’m a science nerd. I continue to research and unpack our human dichotomy of emotional poverty to reunite us with our innate desire for freedom (emotionally and financially). I weave nature’s principles through a garden metaphor in my teachings and conversations about wealth.
On a given day
…professionally I can be found authoring books, supporting the leaders of my portfolio companies, on stage sharing my research and philosophy, diving deep with a leader in a private money therapy session, guiding groups of leaders through workshops and retreats, serving as a judge for events like Startup Weekend, advising clients behind-the-scenes of shows (like with Marcus Lemonis), meeting with community leaders and government officials, or negotiating with investors and sponsors.

My mission =1M world-leaders emotionally and financially liberated

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